
" . . . the shadows of the abyss are like the petals of a monstrous flower that shall blossom within the skull and expand the mind beyond what any man can bear . . . "

Annihilation is the first novel in the Southern Reach Trilogy, a series of books written by Jeff VanderMeer—and this is a shrine dedicated to it! I love all three of the books, but Annihilation is the closest to my heart and will always be my favorite. I've read Annihilation THREE times, and I'm currently rereading ANNIHILATION for the fourth time around.

I remember picking the book up at my local Barnes & Nobles, having become interested in the visuals of the movie adaptation—which I now find to be grossly inadequate—and purchasing it. Starting to read it, I thought it was so strange. It was like nothing I had ever read. The voice was eerie, monotone but incredibly captivating. How can I explain that I understood the color and life in the Biologist's flat tone? I knew her, I understood her, I was her. I had been her all my life, from the bar to the tide pools, to her childhood home and backyard. I completely understood why she did what she did and I found myself so thoroughly entrenched in her account, just as she found herself mesmerized by the enviornment. She was more than just a character I related to, she was the epitome of concepts and ideas that had captivated me endlessly, walking through the most poignant world I had ever encountered.

articles that i want to write...

  1. The Biologist, Area X, and Me
    • The Brightness and Obsession
    • Otherkin/Alterhuman Identification
  2. Theories on The Nature of Area X
    • Notes on Communication, The Script, and The Tower
    • Transformation, Mutation, and Mimicry as Assimilation in Area X

things to add to the page...

  1. descending tower graphic
  2. browse articles section
  3. more illustrations: ie, brightness
  4. spoiler section
  5. little blog post section?
  6. little shrine graphic w/ jeff and candles